Your Voice & Yoga
The benefits of Sound Healing have long been known, and perhaps this is why, for many of us, music has a special place in our hearts. Different types of music and sound create widely differing emotional responses in us, and we often find huge mental, physical and emotional benefits from using our own voices; for example, with any automatic vocal response, or when we sing. There are multiple and complex reasons for this however, beyond all the physical and psychological explorations, ultimately we are built to make sound, to resonate, to respond, and our voice is our best sound healing tool; fully integrated and unique to our own individual physiology. Whether your goal is specifically for Vocal health & development or not, with Vocal Yoga, we use the Voice to free the body and in so doing, further free the voice...

Who could benefit from Voice Work...
The Voice Yoga integration system has so many benefits and we pull from a huge tool-kit to find the things that serve the individual best. By combining traditional Pranyama, Yoga Asana, Sacred Sound & Mantra, with methodologies from Speech and Voice Therapy, the traditional singing school, Alexander Technique, and so much more, we can tailor-make a yoga experience to support anyone who is interested in trying out this modality, from the professional singer to the person who just wants to try a different kind of yoga. We can also adapt classes into a purely seated practice if that better suits your needs.